Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Nothing attracts the hipsters more than an acoustic guitar by the fire" - Rainer

It is now June 27th (posted July 2nd) and I have been living in a van for a month and a half. Sometimes I will park in town for the night and other nights I will head out into the national forest and camp out. Not having a "home" is actually kind of fun. One of the other kayak coaches for the kids club, Rainer, has also moved to town without a home and is living out of his truck. Also, another Rendevous shop employee, Eric, lives out of his van. I think we are going to make t-shirts and start a club called "Van Livin" (contact Eric Markow to join)

Anywho, the other night Rainer and I were camping out at a gorgeous spot with a view of Grand Teton framed by two towering blue spruces. We gathered our wood and started a wonderful fire. After a few Pabst Blue Ribbons ('merica fuck ya!) a bearded man walked over to our campsite and told us they were going to shoot off roman candles for a friends birthday and didn't want to alarm us. After he had left I decided to get out the ol' geetar and play some tunes to attract the party our way.

After a few covers and a nice rendition of "Lady of the lake", sure enough the three campers wondered on down. Best part was they brought some goodies which included some wacky tobaccy and birthday cake! It turns out that a couple had picked up a hitchhiker, Lewis, who is from Britain and is biking across the US of A and his bike tire EXPLODED on his way through Jackson. Just so happened to be this mans birthday so we celebrated the night all the way until the coals were burnin'.

Each and every one of us has an amazing story to be told. Sitting around a campfire with complete strangers only to be hugging goodbye and safe travels at the end of the night is such an amazing feeling. We are all in this world together and I encourage everyone to go listen to these stories. What you can find is powerful. Everyone will have ups and downs but if you can find the blessing with each down than the ups will be truly incredible.

I love you Patrick and Lucas.

Anywho, here is a video of the roller derby! One of the referees is an instructor at the shop, Mr. Steven Whitney! Rocks the flame helmet with blue flame skates!

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