Friday, October 19, 2012

Three Blind Mice? more like bunch of fakers with 20/20

As we sit on our somewhat decent couch and I eat my Cambel's New England Clam chowder for breakfast, we hear a slight rustling coming from the corner of the kitchen. All of a sudden I see two MICE scurrying across the floor. Now I know what you're thinking:, like everyone does,  "Oh some mice! How cute, kind of gross, need to be taken care of but how cute!" That's what I thought at first too.

We first discovered we had a few mice about a week ago and let me tell you, these mice might be the boldest, smartest, sneakiest mice that I've ever dealt with. (Living in a cave for the past two years I have dealt with many creatures of all intelligence ranging from Freddy Raya to some Einstein like Squirrels). This battle, however,  has gone on for awhile now and the roomies and I are getting our asses handed to us!

Evan went out and bought some "nice" traps so we could catch them without killing them. The first trap we put down we got one in seconds! I took it outside to the front yard and set little Fifer go but completely against all knowledge that mice have poor sight and are stupid, this mouse b-lined right for the house and snuck right back into his hole! I wasn't really upset, more impressed by this little guy.

Now, mice aren't really supposed to come out during the day because humans are around and its light out and they usually don't like to be seen. Not our mice. These little suckers taunt us. They scurry in and out of all rooms at any point in the day as if saying "Were smarter than you and you can't catch us. This is our home". I set up a trap today. We left for home depot and when we came back, one of the traps was gone! As if the mouse saw it, defused the situation, and carried it back to his hole!!! Couldn't believe it. Not only did we not catch him but he stole our trap!

Stay tuned for updates on these "mouse and the motorcycle" esque mice and the war over 3415 W Evans Ave.

Sidenote: It being Friday and all, we got a little caulk on our hands and "Bob the Buildered" the hell out of the broken window in the back. Not quite how Mr. Sauve would like Evan to fix it but it should hold for the winter!

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