Sunday, September 30, 2012

Low Tide: No more bikes to ride :(

So the other day we decided to bike on over to the light rail station and take it into the city for the day to do some job searching. I'll tell you what, bike riding is probably one of the more fun things that a lot of people stop doing when they become "adults".  Riding down a hill, with the wind in your face and the smells of fresh car exhaust in your nostrils really takes you back and is an amazing way to get around. My mom bought me a sweet reflector and a headlight so I was all set and feeling like a little schoolboy riding a brand new huffy!

Unfortunately, that day we did not make it out of the city and ended up staying and hanging out with my buddy Brent for the day. We left our bikes locked up at the light rail station and when we went back the next day to retrieve them, we found that our locks had been cut and the bikes had been stolen.

I considered not writing about this because we feel real stupid about it but I think that it is very important for people to understand that we are not in "Kansas" anymore (Tolland, where we grew up, where the only thing stolen were some spices from John Brows house...and that was me). It is an eye opening experience for something like this to happen to you. No doubt we were mad but we honestly felt more disappointed  in ourselves for being so naive to the thought of a crime like this happening. We live and we learn, and you can bet we won't make the same mistake for the rest of our lives.

Now on the other hand we found a couple clues at the crime scene: a banana peel and a small bracelet. We are on the case as we now have added detective to our list of occupations. Top suspect: A well accessorized  chimp. We wont give up on these bikes!

Here is a rainbow to cheer you up after that depressing post. Through the dark of the storm there is always light shining. All you have to do is bend it.

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