Thursday, September 27, 2012

Stress Roller Coaster

I would like to take a minute to discuss the situation that Evan and I are finding ourselves in. We are both just out of college and we both do not have jobs. We saved up enough money to make a move and thanks to some friends in Denver we have been able to set up a place to live. The stressful part is that we don't have jobs. As many people may know already, money is kind of essential to doing pretty much anything and we find ourselves spending more and more each day. (All to items on the first level of Maslow's hierarchy of course, such as new harmonicas)

Anywho, the job search process is one of the most stressful but rather entertaining parts of moving. Each day we look for opportunities but its about finding the right job where you are going to be happy and work the amount that you want to work while accomplishing your other goals. One might say that it is a roller coaster of stress and happiness that we are on. The fact that we don't have jobs is very stressful but the possibilities that lie in front of us are endless and at this point in our lives, anything and I do mean ANYTHING, is possible. It takes a determined and productive mind combined with confidence and motivation and you would be surprised with what can be accomplished. Big things are to come from myself and my compadres.

Communicate with everyone and show respect everywhere you are and the people you meet and the interactions you have will guide you on an unforgettable journey. Turtle love.

These pics are of Evans emotions through the job search process. For any modeling agencies out there reading....this guy is pure gold!!!

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